Marketing Franchisee

Marketing Franchisee

90% of Sales Opportunities Now Closing


Executive Coaching
  • Owner of a marketing franchise was going into the second year of business, was frustrated, missing sales opportunities, and not achieving desired goals

  • Had never been an entrepreneur, business owner, or held a leadership position before

  • While receiving a basic level of training from the franchise corporate office, she lacked business acumen in certain areas of business and was not comfortable selling

  • Was stuck in doing things “her way” mode and felt defeated at times by not being able to grow


  • Determined & resolved the root issues of low confidence/self-esteem and not believing she could truly reach her potential … provided new perspectives and pathways to success

  • Administered DISC personality assessment and taught vital interpersonal skills needed to effectively communicate with all types of people and build lasting relationships, partnerships, etc

  • Provided intense sales and negotiation training

  • Reviewed her chaotic schedule, provided priority & time management courses, and restructured her weekly agenda to a laser focused plan with very specific goals


  • Owner’s confidence is at highest level ever and is achieving more than she thought was possible

  • Now converting 90% of sales opportunities and created multiple referral partnerships that brought in 31% of new clients

  • Company grew an astonishing 117% and was named “Top Franchisee of Year”  

Our valued clients have Soared Higher … Now It’s Your Turn.


COVID-19 Response Across Business Sectors

