Corporate Executive - Banking
Corporate Executive - Banking
Top executive achieves new position, promotion, raise, and improved quality of life
Successful executive hit a ceiling in his career
Did not have a mentor giving him advice
Sharp leader with a lot more to offer, knew he could accomplish more, but just didn’t know how to achieve a higher-level role
Life was out of balance and ended up exhausted from working all the time in a company he hated
Conducted personality & leadership assessments and discovered strengths, weaknesses, behaviors, motivators, and “ideal” environments for which he would thrive
Provided comprehensive executive leadership and management coaching that provided a clear focus based on his true passion/expertise, career progression plan, and stretch goals that force him out of his comfort zone
Rebranded him with new vision, purpose, resume, social media profiles, etc
Identified his ideal position, prepared him for interviews, and negotiated terms of company offer
Accepted Senior Vice President position in perfect organization for him to best succeed
His confidence and executive presence reached a pinnacle
Transitioned to a different/better company, got promoted, in a job he loves where he is maximizing his true potential, making a level of income that exceeded his expectations, and is living the quality of life he always wanted