Louisville KY – Productivity / Revenue Increased for Local Manufacturing Company

business turnaround

At Soar Higher Coaching, I work with clients to foster and develop professional success and business growth. I have worked with companies of all sizes to improve their organizational structure, create foundational and organizational strategies, increase profit, develop team collaboration and management, and more! With customized training workshops, I focus on identifying and reorienting the company’s specific goals, addressing its unique challenges, and revealing tangible, effective solutions and improvements! For a quick look into my coaching and training process, the following is how I assisted a declining manufacturing company to establish better functionality in their daily operations and significantly improve their profits and revenue!

The Challenge

A window company initially thrived and experienced rapid commercial growth but then hit a ceiling: the company began to experience several issues where the daily operations management became difficult, complex, and less generative overall. This led to a significant decrease in business productivity and contributed to a decline in revenue! The specific challenges the company faced:

  • The company faced difficulties keeping up with its product orders.

  • The staff needed further development of leadership skills to encourage an efficient and productive workflow and management of company activities and resources.

  • Reduced productivity contributed to a significant decline in revenue.

The company became stunted in growth: they couldn’t move forward to the next level of commercial success. The staff recognized and acknowledged how they needed a qualified expert to objectively assess their operations and assist them in developing solutions to their challenges.

The Solution

  • I conducted a comprehensive business assessment and identified the root problems within the company. We worked on creating solutions and improvements to the company’s operations.

  • I focused on helping my client restructure their organization, supporting a broader vision of its long-term success. Then I reoriented the client toward their goal of commercial growth.

  • I proceeded to develop a streamlined and customer-centric business model. I re-established the focus on optimal customer service skills so the window company could begin to see an increase in profit and revenue again.

  • Finally, I provided the company with intense leadership development training and high-performance operations training for the management staff. Leadership training is essential in keeping the company on the path to growth and operations training encourages high productivity!

The Result

I helped my client cultivate a smooth and productive workflow and saved the company valuable time from completing unnecessary tasks by analyzing their daily operations.

  • The window company saw an increase in productivity by 52%!

  • The company experienced a boost in annual revenues from $5 million to $8 million!

Get Your Company to Higher Levels of Success

Ready to take your business to the next level? Set up a consultation by reaching me at 719-640-8826 or click here to book a meeting with me!