Engage. Execute. SOAR.


Find out what most people want to know about Coach Jason Ballard’s high-value business & executive coaching and training services.

what is business coaching?
  • Coaching involves a certified expert leading you through each step of the process until your goals are reached. Coach Jason is a top-rated Business & Executive Coach that serves as a personal “Business Wingman” to business leaders. He is right beside them the entire journey providing advice, expertise, materials, tools, resources, and whatever else is necessary to ensure leaders make the best decisions possible for success.

    Consulting involves hiring a professional to provide services or support in accordance with a specific statement of work, timeline, budget, and set of deliverables. Once the requirements are fulfilled, the contract is closed.

  • There are over 50 varieties of coaches in the marketplace (health, wellness, spiritual, life, career, business, financial, fitness, etc,). The key is ensuring you find the right one for you. It is highly recommended you perform due diligence in your search for a coach. Verify they are reputable, qualified, certified, and experienced experts in their field. You would not let just anyone perform brain surgery on you, would you? Of course not. Do not put your business/career at risk by not having the best coach possible. Below are the primary coaching services provided by Coach Jason:

    Business Coaching is an engagement in which organizational leaders work “on the business” with a business expert/coach. In business coaching, the coach and the client work together on every aspect of the business (vision, purpose, clarity, strategy, priorities, goals, marketing, sales, HR, culture, finance, growth, scaling, profitability, leadership, performance, business processes, etc) until the desired results are achieved.

    Executive/Leadership Coaching is where a coach works directly with a member of management (typically Mid-Level Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents, and C-Suite level leaders) on their personal/professional leadership development. This could involve rehabilitating leaders that are struggling, grooming leaders to the next level of responsibility, working with leaders on a specific effort, or simply providing advice on important decisions that need to be made.

    Career Coaching is focused on the career progression of an individual. The coach helps determine where the client is in their career, their strengths and weaknesses, talents, passions, motivators, and constraints and provides a clear roadmap for the client to obtain the ideal role that allows them to live the life they dream of. This typically involves transforming professionals that are stuck or have settled in their current position, want a career change, are tired of not being fulfilled, have been passed over for promotion, not maximizing their potential, want to fast-track promotion opportunities, or want to be an entrepreneur and open a business.

  • Coaching is NOT therapy, counseling, psychology, theory, philosophy, an experiment, or any situation where clients expect work to be done for them. Coaching IS about experts guiding, teaching, and directing activities required to achieve RESULTS.

  • Top reasons to work with a coach:

    • Expert/confidential advice

    • Greater clarity & accountability

    • Higher confidence

    • Customized solutions

    • Best business practices

    • Faster results

    • Minimized risk

    • Better decision making

    • Revenue growth

    • Increased profitability

    • Competitive advantage

    • Cost savings & efficiencies

    • Maximized performance

    • Superior customer service

    • More happiness & balance in life

    • Fulfilled career

    • Peace of mind

    • And much more …

  • There are numerous ways to validate candidates in your search. Be selective. Do not hire the cheapest coach. Work with only the BEST … your business/career success is dependent on it! Below are top recommended qualifiers:

    1. Research the coach. Review their website, blogs, social media channels, posts, reviews, and recommendations.

    2. Interview the coach. Ask for credentials, education, certifications, level of experience, and success stories.

    3. Verify systems, processes, and support. Ask the coach to describe what a typical coaching session would be like. Do they have proven systems and resources or are they “winging it?” Are they operating on their own or do they have a supporting structure that can provide an entire portfolio of value? What is the quality of the coaching content … did they make it up themselves or is it based on industry best practices?

    4. Validate programs and guarantees. Do they offer “cookie cutter” solutions or custom programs to meet your needs? Do they have any guarantees … no contracts, cancel at any time, money back if not satisfied, etc?

    5. Trust your gut. Ask yourself, do I like,trust, and have confidence in this person? Do I feel comfortable around them? Do they inspire me? Do I enjoy the experience of interacting with them? If not, keep looking.

  • Most coaches in the market have a traditional corporate career, climbed the ladder to management, and decided to go into business for themselves with no coaching experience/training, or work for an established brand like: Action Coach, Vistage, Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, etc. Most have never been an entrepreneur, never owned a business, are not certified, and are ONLY able to provide basic “canned” coaching or generic “12-Step” programs.

    Coach Jason is vastly different. He is a #1 Ranked Coach in the U.S. because he is one of the most experienced, well-rounded, and successful coaches in the business based on the following:

    • Is an entrepreneur

    • Grew up in a family-owned business

    • Is a successful business owner

    • Has over 27 years of real-world C-Suite experience

    • Lived all over the world

    • Served in the military

    • Worked with multi-national organizations

    • Advised U.S. and foreign political leaders

    • Led small, medium, and large sized organizations globally

    • Has diverse experience in government, commercial, and non-profit sectors

    • Is certified (as a coach) by an Internationally accredited institution

    • Took numerous startups to success

    • Is an expert at company turnarounds

    • Coaches virtually or in-person around the globe

    • Developed countless leaders to greater success

    • Logged over 8,000 hours of coaching and training

    • Offers customized business solutions

    • Can meet ALL your needs (coaching, training, assessments, programs, solutions, etc)

    • Programs are based on the best business practices in the world

    • Won over 40 awards for excellence

    • And much more …

  • Coach Jason makes it easy and simple by offering clients options of:

    • Meeting in-person at a desired location

    • Interacting virtually through video conference

    • Communicating via telephone or other means while on the go

  • Coaching is provided in one-on-one and group settings.

    Training is provided in private and public/group settings spanning a range of customizable topics offered in 1-hour workshops, half-day seminars, or multi-day even

  • A typical engagement involves the following. However, Coach Jason does tailor his coaching and training offerings to meet the needs of his valued customers:

    • Weekly coaching sessions (can also be bi-weekly or monthly upon request)

    • Each session is 90 minutes in duration

    • Curriculum, materials, books, resources, etc, are provided

    • Focused on executing the client’s customized plan

    • All sessions and discussions are confidential

    • 24/7 access to Coach Jason in between sessions

  • Coaching and training engagements are centered around the client’s goals. The level of success achieved depends upon the amount of effort put forth by clients. Coach Jason WILL NOT do all the work for you. Coach Jason’s expectations are as follows:

    • Show up on time

    • Be prepared & take notes

    • Have a good attitude

    • Be open minded & willing to change

    • Do the work

    • Communicate

    • Pay invoices on time

    • Have fun

  • It varies as coaching and training is designed specifically for each client. Recommend booking a complimentary initial session with Coach Jason to determine what is best for you. Click on the link to his schedule (https://calendly.com/jasonballard) and get started today!

    While the cost may vary between clients and their needs, Coach Jason is committed to making the experience simple, transparent, and risk free.

    • One flat (agreed to) monthly rate

    • NO upselling, extra fees, or add-on charges

    • Paperless programs & processes (all digital)

    • Receive monthly invoicing via email

    • All payments are due the first day of each month

    • Secure and easy-to-use financial portal with all available payment options (ACH, check, cash, credit card, etc)

  • Since coaching is offered on a month-to-month basis with no minimums involved, you can start and stop whenever you like without having to deal with penalties, fees, refunds, etc. You only pay for the services you receive.

  • Simple, straightforward business style that is solely focused on the success of the client in the following ways:

    • Will always have a positive attitude

    • Will always be by your side

    • Will always be confidential

    • Will always give 100% effort

    • Will always be motivational

    • Will always be the most passionate and energetic coach

    • Will always listen and understand your perspective

    • Will always be open and honest

    • Will always have your best interest at heart

    • Will always give options & best-in-breed recommendations

    • Will always hold you accountable

    • Will always be focused quality and achieving RESULTS

    • Will always return your money if not satisfied

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  • ”I met Jason in a Networking group, and had a meeting with him. I was so impressed with Jason's knowledge and skill, but mostly the way he lifted my spirits and encouraged me. You know those people that you talk with that give you the confidence you need to move forward, while giving you the tools and resources as well, that's Jason. I am thrilled to have Jason as my Coach, and excited to see my confidence and leadership skills grow, which flows over to my staff, volunteers, investors, but most of all, the clients we serve.”

    Laura W.
    Ceo, Non-Profit

  • “Jason is richly gifted in his chosen profession. His highly professional yet warm and caring way of questioning, searching and evaluating his clients' current situation and inspiring them to reach higher and dig deeper to achieve their personal and career goals is surely a blessing to anyone who is lucky enough to work with him. If you are feeling discouraged or stuck and looking for a way to grow and blossom, or if you're doing great where you but are ready to skyrocket to the next level, Jason is the guy to help you get there.”

    Janice Z.
    Healthcare Executive

  • "Jason is an exceptionally talented leader and business coach. His experiences working in the military, local government, and private sector have given him a broad prospective on what it takes to be successful. He is a great listener and spends a lot of time getting to know you as an individual and what motivates you. Working with Jason helped me gain clarity on what I wanted to do in my career, encouraged me to always aim higher, and helped me develop a plan for how to achieve my goals."

    Rick N.
    Retail General Mager

  • “Jason is a gifted leader. Because he has many years of experience in leadership, operations, and sales, he knows a variety of creative methods, and he ensures you learn what you need to. His calming personality makes you feel completely comfortable, even when you’re making mistakes. He is always encouraging and positive. If you want to grow your company, improve your organization, or take it to a higher level, hire Jason!”

    Matt P.
    VP, Government Relations